I am addicted to Photography and Photoshop and constantly amazed at the number of people willing to share information, techniques, expertise, and more. And the resources, tutorials and on-line education available all for free! I have met so many interesting and talented paper as I learned Photoshop, and I encourage everyone to search for anything you might need to learn a new task, develop a new talent.
Lately I have been interested in layers and textures. And now there are actions! All designed to help improve your photos. And so many people have created free ones that you never have to purchase them if your budget does not allow. Some of the sites ask for donations or have select products available for purchase, but the free items are available without commitment or obligation. So try your hand at something new.
What amazes me about layers and textures is that it can transform the ordinary photo. Give it the extra oomph! that it might need to soften, highlight, texturize.
Here are some new sites I have happened upon. Please drop on in on them and let me know what you are working on. That is what the internet is all about. People connecting with People. Its a virtual library, a social event that you need to participate in. Don't be a wallflower!
ShadowHouseCreations The author creates the most interesting photos, and offers all kinds of free brushes, textures, and layers. His brushes were used to add the birds, and an extra tree in the photo above!
CoffeeTeaPhotography This is an amazing site that offers tutorials, resources, free actions, and more. She accepts donations of any amount to help her keep her site running, but its not a requirement for using the information. For me, a donation is well worth it. Her items are fantastic!
TexasChicksBlogsandPics Another informative site that offers tutorials, layers and actions and walks you through how upload them in any version of Photoshop. They also have a newsletter! Great tips and techiniques. They also have products for sale, but again, a lot of freebies.
If you want to try your hand at layering, trust me its easy. Drop me a line if you need some help.
Another huge resource is Flickr groups. People share their photos and work, you can get free textures of all kins on this site, and the groups allow you to post challenges you are having and get advice and suggestions from people who may have had the same struggle.
There is no excuse for learning. The free information is out there, print, bring it home and learn a new skill. Its easy peasey!
This photo includes my photography of a tree off the Potomac River, 1 cloud layer, one cloud texture, and one color texture all from ShadowHouseCreations and/or downloaded from Flickr. It has an eagle that was added using a brush set that was free on ShadowHouseCreations.
Now on to actions! Don't know much about them yet, but I am doing the Research. Will keep you posted.
Thanks for the great comments about my blog! And a great list of resources (all ones I love myself). You are so right, there are so many great free things out there. :-) Rita
ReplyDeleteBTW, I forgot to add your work is AMAZING! Rita
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I am new, and learning, and loving it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the free resources (found you on one minute), your photos are gorgeous and you are a reminder that there is always something out there for us to learn, if we can dedicate the time. I just signed up on Flickr for 365 project. So I will be using photoshop more and more. Will keep reading.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of the 365 project. Will have to check that one out. Thanks for the new resource and for liking my work!