Photography expert Barb Gordon, Master Photographer publishes Barb Gordon Photo Coach's Shooting for Success ezine. If you're ready to take your photography career to the next level, get your FREE reports "Make Photography More than a Hobby" and "15 Ways to Make More Money with your Photography" now at http://www.barbgordonphotocoach.com
12 Elements of Composition for Remarkable Photographs #5 The Foreground
By Barb Gordon, M.Photog., CR, CPP
A strong and interesting image can be achieved by including a lot of foreground leading to the subject. For an environmental portrait use enough depth of field so your image is sharp front to back to tell the story.
This is not a riveting example but it is a good example of recomposing the image to include foreground interest.
I wanted to show my family the cedar posts that my husband used for our front porch. Photographing just the posts up close was kind of boring. So I backed up to include some more of the hard work my husband has done in our driveway. The rock has now created an interesting foreground that leads to the cedar posts.
Another and very beautiful foreground sample image is on the blog, click here. (I think I did this link right as last week I got confused with all the steps there are to do this linking stuff!)
This is a twelve part series with most articles continued on the blog due to their lengh. Next week- Textures
© 2010 Barb Gordon Photo Coach & Gordon Photography & Gallery, Inc.
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